How To Make a Minecraft Server (1.20.4)

  • If you want to know how to make a Minecraft server in 1.20.4, this is the video for you! Every step of how to create a Minecraft server is covered in this video from where to download the Minecraft server files to who to setup a Minecraft server in 1.20.4 and start playing Minecraft with your friends, we show you how to do it all in this video!
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    About this video: By learning how to make a Minecraft server in 1.20.4, you will be able to play Minecraft with your friends in 1.20.4.

    Specifically, in this video, we show you how to create a Minecraft server without any mods or plugins.

    However, we also have super in-depth guides on getting a server with mods or plugins that you can check out as well.

    I do want to mention though that this isn’t a 24 hour server, and it is hosted on your own computer using your internet.

    This means it is only for your friends, family, and people that you trust.

    You will also need a good computer in order to run a Minecraft 1.20.4 server.

    We also recommend getting Java 17 from the link above and running the Jarfix as this is required for running a Minecraft server.

    With that in mind, let’s move on to how to create a Minecraft server in 1.20.4! First off, you will need to download the server.jar file.

    You can find a link in the description above to download the server file.

    That will take you to our complete text guide on how to make a Minecraft server in 1.20.4.

    On that tutorial, click the “Download Minecraft” button to go to the official download page for the 1.20.4 server.jar.

    On this page, click the “minecraft_server_1.20.4.jar” link.

    That will start the Minecraft server.jar file downloading.

    Once it is downloaded, create a “Minecraft Server 1.20.4” folder on your desktop and move the server.jar file to it.

    Now, double-click the server.jar, and the server will generate some files including an eula.txt file.

    Open the eula.txt file and change “eula=true” to “eula=false” and save the file if you agree to the Minecraft server EULA.

    Next, double-click the server.jar file again, and the server will start.

    At this point, you can join the server using Minecraft 1.20.4 and the IP address “localhost”.

    If you want your friends to join, we will need to port forward.

    We go over port forwarding in order to play Minecraft 1.20.4 with your friends in depth in the video.

    Specifically, you will need to forward the port 25565 on the TCP and UDP protocols.

    Once you have port forwarded, you can get your public IP from the port in the description above and give that your friends.

    Your friends will join your Minecraft 1.20.4 server using the public IP address.

    Your server should be setup and joinable by your friends at this point.

    Something worth noting is you may want to give yourself operator on the server in order to use more commands in-game.

    This can be done in the server’s console with the “op USERNAME” command.

    Nevertheless, you now know how to make a Minecraft server in 1.20.4.

    If you have any questions about how to setup a Minecraft server in 1.20.4, let us know in the comments.

    We will try our best to help you out.

    Otherwise, if we did help you learn how to create a Minecraft 1.20.4 server, please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already.

    It really helps us out, and it means a ton to me.

    Note: Some of the above links are affiliate links or companies I have an ownership stake in.

    I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you if you go to these sites and make a purchase.

    Category : Minecraft Servers


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