Minecraft Construction Handbook Guide Book Review

  • This is "packed with tips and step-by-step instructions from master build team FyreUK.

    You'll learn how to construct houses, bridges, ships, floating islands and rollercoasters of the highest quality.

    Plus, check out some of the most awe-inspiring community builds to fuel your own creative genius.

    You'll be a master builder in no time!"
    While this information is readily available online, scattered through countless YouTube videos, here we find it organized, categorized and presented in a clear format rather.

    This is more important than you might imagine as it opens the door for different family members to engage with the world of Minecraft construction.
    In my house what used to be a conversation that the adults soon left has become an engaging topic for mealtimes and car journeys.

    The children really enjoy sharing what they know, and we have appreciated having a simple route to understand this stuff better.
    The book provides both case studies of constructions from the Minecraft community as well as step by step guides on how to build things.

    While this isn't quite a Lego-style set of build notes it offers enough guidance on how to approach the construction, materials used and finishing touches to be an invaluable addition.
    Attempting these bigger builds also gets children into real engineering and architectural territory.

    My kids have already shown an increased interest for building design, asking how the houses in our neighborhood were constructed and why designers took those decisions.
    The book includes:
    - Wooden House
    - Chateau De Resquer
    - Nordic Hall
    - Stream Cottage
    - Fortified Walls
    - Dwarven City
    - Suspension Bridge
    - Floating Island
    - Galleon Ship
    - Pirate Island
    - Epic Rollercoaster
    - No Esacpe
    Phil and Matt, FyreUK, contributors to the Minecraft Constuction Handbook said: "We've had an awesome time working on this book -- we're passionate about sharing Minecraft techniques and builds, whether through our YouTube videos or the Egmont books.

    We've worked on step-by-step guides for the Construction Handbook, detailing how to create some of the most amazing things in Minecraft.

    From multi-story houses, to bridges and much, much more, readers can learn techniques used by some of the best builders in Minecraft."

    Category : Reviews


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