Minecraft 1.21 could be good... but...

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    Is Minecraft 1.21 going to be good, or no?
    » Updates Playlist - www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR50dP3MW9ZUEQbsC6SlI_2fFzUPCyZ_6
    While we still have criticisms for how slowly Minecraft has been updating, in this video, for the sake of discussion, we're giving Mojang a clean slate.

    With the introduction of the Crafter, Copper Bulb, Wolf Armor, Armadillo, and more, is Minecraft 1.21 shaping up to be good, or no?
    » Michaelmcchill & AntVenom
    » AntVenom
    » YouTube Audio Library (HTML, Rollanddrop, Destiny Day, Hooky with Sloane, Bug Catching, So Far Away, Magenta)

    Category : Reviews


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